- Day ticket: € 30 (4 trout, minimum size 30cm)
- Half-day ticket: €22 (from 2pm, 3 trout, minimum size 30cm)
- Young person’s card: €19 (3 trout) – up to 15 years, only when accompanied by an adult
Children up to 10 years of age may also fish for free when accompanied by an adult with a valid day ticket!
To purchase a day ticket, you need to be a member of the Tyrolean Fishing Association (Tiroler Fischereiverband) and have confirmation of professional competence (training!). The Gerlos fishing water regulations apply.
- Worms: € 4,5
- Rowing boat (available in Seestüberl) full day: €15
- Rowing boat (available in Seestüberl) half day from 2pm: € 8
Please reserve rowing boats in Seestüberl by calling 00436644413588!